committee, schedule of activities   26
date of, to be noted in history file   30 (3)(a)
list of, filed with the chief clerk (Monday)   26
publishing notice of, in schedule of committee
activities   26, 93 (2)
time and place of, posting on bulletin boards   25 (1)(c), 93 (2)
unintroduced legislature, notice of   25 (1)(c)
History (definition)   99 (33)
History file:
chief clerk directs recording of all significant action
on proposal   30 (3)
definition   99 (33m)
Hour for meeting of daily session (usually 10 a.m. on
Tuesday and Thursday)   14
Improper exceptional language in debate   58
Incidental motions and requests (definition)   99 (34)
Indefinite postponement:
adverse and final disposition   46 (6)
definition   99 (35)
motion not permitted twice on same day at same
stage of proposal   66
precedence of motion   63 (1)(m)
reference to committee after, not in order   41 (2)
when committee recommends, question must be first put   55
Interpretation of senate rules   7 (3)
Introduction of proposals   33
definition   99 (36)
handwritten changes prohibited in proposal
submitted for introduction   33 (1)
Item veto, see veto
Jacket envelope:
contains only documents specified by chief clerk   30 (2)
legislative reference bureau must enter relating clause
and drafting number   30 (2)
must contain copies of proposal   29
Joint convention (definition), see also Joint Rule 1   99 (37)
Joint hearing (definition)   99 (38)
Joint legislative council, not to be deemed a legislative
committee (see also ss. 13.81 to 13.83, 13.91, stats.)   41 (3)
Joint resolution, see also Bill or resolution; or Resolution:
constitutional amendment, 3 readings required   35
constitutional amendment on 2nd consideration,
how to amend; see Joint Rule 57 (2)
definition   99 (39)
enrolling of   43
one day lay-over required unless privileged
under rule 69   34 (1)
privileged, messaged immediately upon adoption   42 (1)
received from assembly, consideration proper even
if identical senate proposal rejected   33 (2)
rereference to different standing committee   46 (2)(c)
Joint Rules (definition)   99 (40)
Joint session (definition), see also Joint convention   99 (37)
Journal, see also Wis. Con. IV-10:
absentees during call of senate, names to be entered on   84
business conducted during orders of
business entered on   17 (6)
coauthors, cosponsors added   17 (5)
committee minority reports to be entered at length   28
correction in any proposal, noted in   31 (3)
decisions on points of order to be entered   7 (4)
definition   99 (41)
missed roll calls   73m
points of order entered on   7 (5)
position, statement of, by member absent with leave   75
record of introduction of guests, other visitors   17 (4m)
records date enrolled bill is presented to governor   43
reference to proposals by number, by relating clause   32
roll call of attendance to be entered on   15
suspension of administrative rules, bill withdrawn
from standing committee: journal record of   27 (4)(b)
Judgment of the senate, on appeal from ruling   7 (4)
Lay on table:
effect of   65
motion not debatable   68
motion may not be laid on table   68
precedence of motion   63 (1)(f)
refers matter to committee on senate organization   65 (2)
Leadership committee (committee on senate organization)   20 (1)
Leave (definition)   99 (42)
Leave of absence:
committee of conference members, leave granted by rule   23
employees, compensation   88 (3)
granting under call   85 (7)
members   16
members of a committee, special leave   23
missed roll calls   73m
motion for call of senate not proper on request for leave
while senate under call   85 (2)
motion to grant leave not debatable   68
not cancelable after call of senate is ordered   85 (7)
position on issue, statement of, by absent member   75
under call of senate, prior leave expires upon return   85 (7)
Leaving chamber, not permitted to senator while
presiding officer is speaking   8 (2)
Legislative council, joint, not to be deemed a legislative
committee (see also ss. 13.81 to 13.83, 13.91, stats.)   41 (3)
Legislative day (definition)   99 (43)
Legislative fiscal bureau, when prepare fiscal estimates   96
Legislative reference bureau (see also ss. 13.90 and 13.92, stats.):
enrolling of bills and resolutions   43